Atakan Gül - Software Developer


Software Developer

+90 0543-730-78-70

Istanbul/Europe, TR


Highly motivated Software Developer with a passion for engineering and creating impactful software solutions. Experienced in web development, automation, and DevOps practices. Skilled in Python, Java, and JavaScript, with a proven track record of streamlining processes and leading development teams. Currently pursuing a Computer Engineering degree, I'm eager to apply my skills and continue growing in the dynamic field of software development.


Summarly Logo

Software Developer

Summarly - Research Company | 2023 - 2024 | 1 Year

  • Developed internal software tool using Python and SQL for automating daily social media analysis report, reducing creation time to 99.44%.
  • Redesigned reporting format, enhancing data visualization and providing more intuitive insights to stakeholders.
  • Led a 5-person web development team to create an AI-integrated chatting interface, resulting in chat technology chatting capabilities.
Nextone Logo

Devops Engineer - Intern

Nextone - Hospitality Tech Company | 2024 - 2024 | 2 Months

  • Created automated internal software for report creation.
  • Has set up automation pipelines for continues deployment.
  • Has actively been in meetings and decision making.
Istanbul Bilgi University Logo

Research Assistant

Istanbul Bilgi University | 2024 - 2024 | 4 Months

  • Has actively took role in data pipeline creation.
  • Has created scripts to enable easy data collection.
  • Led data collection team to achieve their goal.


  • Python, Java, JavaScript, Bash, Algorithms
  • Java Spring Boot, MERN, RESTful APIs, Web development
  • K8s, Ansible, Jenkins, Terraform, Linux, AWS, Azure (DevOps)


  • Deploy containers by using Azure Kubernetes Service - Microsoft
  • Technical Support Fundamentals Google
  • The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking Google
  • Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting IBM


Istanbul Bilgi University

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

2022 - 2026 | Full Scholarship

Karmaşık Sis. Veri Bilimi Top.

Member | Presenter

2024 - Jan/Apr

  • Member of research community.


Atakan G.

LogWatcher: Simplifying Docker Image Monitoring with Open Source Software
LogWatcher: Simplifying Docker Image Monitoring with Open Source Software
Published on Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Discover the LogWatcher project created by Atakan G, an open source software tool designed to simpli...

Atakan G.

My First Week at Nevotek: Internship Insights and Experiences
My First Week at Nevotek: Internship Insights and Experiences
Published on Thursday, August 22, 2024
In my first week as an intern, I worked on building a CI/CD pipeline with Azure DevOps and Jira. It ...

Atakan G.

Building a Cloud Agnostic CI/CD Pipeline with Terraform and Kubernetes
Building a Cloud Agnostic CI/CD Pipeline with Terraform and Kubernetes
Published on Friday, September 13, 2024
Learn how to create a cloud-agnostic CI/CD pipeline using Terraform and Kubernetes. This approach en...